Buy And Sell Collectible Coins In Orange County
Posted on January 25, 2016
Are you looking for a place to buy or sell collectible coins in Orange County? Jewelry-N-Loan in Costa Mesa is your solution. Jewelry-N-Loan will buy, sell and make loans on gold in the form of coins, bullion, jewelry and watches. We also pay top dollar for platinum, silver and currency.
At Jewelry-N-Loan we pride ourselves on our reputation for treating customers fairly and offer them the best deals possible. We depend upon those long-lasting relationships, and over the years we’ve worked hard to maintain them. We have an expert staff who is very knowledgeable in coins, jewelry, watches, gemstones and more. And we always pay cash on the spot.
When looking for a reputable place to sell collectible coins, it’s a good idea to do your research before you take them in to a dealer. First, it’s smart to know what you have and understand what the value is before taking it in to sell. Further, understand that the exact value of the coin and it’s sellable value to a buyer can be different. At Jewelry-N-Loan, as stated, we work with you to provide the best price possible to maximize your sale. Our friendly staff will consult with you every step of the way on any deal, so that you leave our shop feeling that you were treated fairly…and with cash in hand!
Another part of your research should be focused on finding a shop that is reputable, experienced and easy to work with. In Orange County, Jewelry-N-Loan is your best bet. When making a deal, we take into consideration several factors beyond just the face value paying premium for hallmarks and aesthetic value. We pried ourselves on conducting a thorough evaluation of your items and take the time to explain how we arrive at our offer. That, combined with our stellar customer service and decades of expertise make Jewelry-N-Loan your best solution for selling or buying collectible coins anywhere in Orange County.